
   "Hilario"- Released November 17, 1993
Videos  "Prince", 1992       
"Noah's Cage", 1994
Tours First Western-Canada, opening for Rheostatics in the summer of 1994
 First Eastern-Canada, opening for Rheostatics in the fall of 1994

       "Kombinator"- Released November 25, 1994
Juno Nomination  Best Alternative Album 1995
MuchMusic Video Nomination      Alternative video for "Any Sense of Time"
Videos  "You Will Know", 1995
"Any Sense of Time", 1995
Voted #30 on Chart Magazine's Top 50 Canadian Albums of all Time
Tours Eastern-Canada tour opening for Cub in the spring of 1995
Cross-Canada with the Tragically Hip's Another Roadside Attraction in the summer of 1995
New York for the MacIntosh New Music Festival in the summer of 1995
Cross-Canada with Jale and Superfriendz in the summer of 1995
Cross-U.S. tour with various dates ending at New York's CMJ Music Festival in the fall of 1995
Cross-U.S. tour opening for Buffalo Tom in the fall of 1995
European tour in seven countries opening for Buffalo Tom and Teenage Fanclub in the fall of 1995
Northeastern U.S. Radio Tour in the early winter of 1995

        "It's Sydney Or The Bush"- Released October 10, 1996
Juno Nomination  Best Alternative Album 1996
East-Coast Music Award Nomination- Best Alternative Band 1997
Videos  "North Window", 1996
"Drag Us Down", 1997
Tours Western-Canada opening for Sloan in the fall of 1996
Cross-Canada with Local Rabbits in the fall of 1996
Western-Canada opening for the Rheostatics in the early winter of 1997
Ontario tour with Plumtree in the winter of 1997
New York's CMJ Festival in the fall of 1997
Cross-Canada tour with the Wooden Stars in the fall of 1997

          "Winning Hearts"- Released February 14, 1998
Video "Attitude", 1998
National #1 rating on Chart's Survey of Canadian Campus radio for two consecutive months
National #3 rating for 1998 overall campus radio play- highest charting Canadian album
Tours Ontario tour in the winter of 1998
South-By-SouthWest in Austin, Texas in winter of 1998
Western-Canada with the Beans in the summer of 1998
Eastern portion of EdgeFest tour in the summer of 1998
Final show on July 4, 1998 in Toronto at Yonge Street CFNY Stage